
by EK360 5 May 2022
We have put together a report detailing some of the feedback we have been hearing. We heard from a range of people and have feedback relating to the experiences of parents of children with ASD, as well as adults who are having difficulties when trying to access support. Read the report to find out what we did as a result of this feedback.
by EK360 28 April 2022
When possible, we try to help individual people to resolve their issues. As a result of the work we are achieving, we have put together a report detailing all of our brilliant outcomes for January 2022.
by EK360 21 April 2022
Older Peoples’ Forums exist in almost every District of Kent. Funded by KCC and supported by EK360, they reach over 2,000 older people in Kent each year. Covid has made it much harder for the Forums to physically meet as they would normally, but it hasn’t stopped them listening and engaging with people and working to make a positive change. We have put together a handy document that tells you all about what the Older People's Forums have been up to recently, as well as some things to remember when contacting your local Forum.
by EK360 20 April 2022
Since our first report , there has been a drop in feedback relating to mental health medication. Out of the 7% of feedback we received, a quarter related to the issue of communication within the Dartford Gravesham and Swanley area. This report details what changes and improvements have been made since we first raised the issue with decision makers.
by EK360 20 April 2022
When possible, we try to help individual people to resolve their issues. As a result of the work we are achieving, we have put together a report detailing all of our brilliant outcomes for December.
by EK360 20 April 2022
When possible, we try to help individual people to resolve their issues. As a result of the work we are achieving, we have put together a report detailing all of our brilliant outcomes for November.
by EK360 2 February 2022
 When poss ible, we try to help individual people to resolve their issues. As a result of the work we are achieving, we have put together a report detailing all of our brilliant outcomes for October.
by EK360 2 February 2022
To find out more about the organisations we work with, visit our page here. If you or someone you care for has experience of using a public service within Kent and Medway, share your story with us here.
by EK360 25 January 2022
Older Peoples’ Forums exist in almost every District of Kent. Funded by KCC and supported by EK360, they reach over 2,000 older people in Kent each year. Covid has made it much harder for the Forums to physically meet as they would normally, but it hasn’t stopped them listening and engaging with people and working to make a positive change. We have put together a handy document that tells you all about what the Older People's Forums have been up to recently, as well as some things to remember when contacting your local Forum.
by EK360 22 November 2021
Today we have published a report detailing everything people have told us. “It is not easy to have OCD during a pandemic. It is less easy to have OCD and to not have stability with medication” ‘I am at home alone with my three small children so I’ve have had to stop my medication. I am unable to safely care for my children or to drive whilst taking it. I have had no help with resolving my issues which are caused by the medication’ “I called several times to let them know that I needed some more medication. Nobody got back to me so my medication ran out. On Monday they called to say it was ready to collect but when I got there the pharmacy didn’t have any. I was without medication for 7 days.” We’ll be sharing everything you told us directly with the right decision makers.
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