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“We’re called the Dover Senior Citizens Forum and we have been around for quite a few years. We cover Dover, Deal, Sandwich and the surrounding villages, and we aim to hold at least two meetings a year. At our meetings we have speakers who discuss a range of subjects and each topic is chosen by our members.
Prior to lockdown, we had just had a meeting in Deal where we had Caremark talking about sepsis and the U3A came along too. So, we have a mixture of what you would call information providers, like Care Navigators and Healthwatch. Then we have something like The Cinnamon Trust that our members requested, and this is an organisation that is a bit like Foster Parents but for your animals if you have to go to hospital.
At each meeting we have a Community Warden who keeps us up to date with current scams and we are occasionally joined by Kent Fire and Rescue. When we hold our meetings in Dover, we provide lunch and always have a great turn out.”
Pam, and the Dover Senior Citizens Forum, have been busy trying to ensure everyone has access to a Covid vaccination centre. Our ears pricked up as this ties in with the work we’ve been doing within the Forums around Health Inequalities.
“When we heard that the vaccine rollout was going to start, a lot of us noticed that the only vaccine hub was at the Dover Health Centre. There was nothing for Deal, nothing in Sandwich and nothing for the more rural villages, so there was a lot of concern.
I, alongside a councillor from Deal and a Forum Member set up a petition and a campaign, we even made front page news.
Lo and behold, we were successful! A local pharmacy took what we were saying on board and is continuing to give vaccines out. People in Sandwich were able to travel to a facility in Broadstairs (which is a shorter journey than to Dover). The mass centres began to open up, and our closest one was in Folkestone which for residents of Deal, was still about an hour. Things have now settled down quite nicely, but at the start we had to put a bit of pressure onto organisations.
What concerns me regarding Health Inequalities is that it’s a big subject. If you live in rural areas, life expectancy is a lot higher than if you live in a more deprived area. How do you solve that? It’s difficult to encourage people to join things like Forums as a lot of people don’t know that places for help and advice exist. Digital inclusion is difficult too as not many of our members are online.
Two main issues we’ll be focusing on this year as a Forum will be the lack of public toilets and problems with rural bus services. It’s not always the elderly that struggle with these things, it’s the youngsters too. It’s another universal health inequality.”
If you, or someone you may know, wants to join the Dover Senior Citizens Forum to help fight health inequalities, send Pam an email on or call her on 07772 471905. Anyone is welcome to attend.
Winners of the Kent and Medway Mental Health and Wellbeing Award 2021 and the Healthwatch Recognition Awards 2022.